"Schliersee Impressionen"
"Miss Erpel" (Stop-Motion-Clip)
"Miss Erpel & Friends" (Stop-Motion-Clip)
"The Gospel Brothers - Ol´Kentucky"
"The Gospel Brothers - Go To Sleep Little Baby"
"MG Music - Gagga In Aga"
"MG Music - Rhythm"
"MG Music - Neon Lights"
"MG Music - Stoned"
"MG Music - Life (Excerpt)"
"MG Music - Doc. Schlemmer Allstars - The Schlemmer Song"
"Lina" (Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting)
"Ein kleiner Herbsttraum" Fotogruppen - Video (Fleetwood Mac - Albatross)
"KI-Bilder Clip" (The Stranglers - Golden Brown)
"KI-Bilder Clip" (Rare Earth - Get Ready, Live)
"Gute Reise" (The Rolling Stones - 2000 Lightyears From Home)
"MG Music - No Expectations" (The Rolling Stones Cover)
"MG Music - Gone But Not Forgotten"
"MG Music - Four Too Crazy - Jamming"
"MG Music - Shall We Dance?" (Sound nur aus Geräuschen des Ego Shooter Games "Delta Force Xtreme")
"Delta Force Xtreme - AW2 Fan Vid."